Example Economic Development Organization (EDO) Mission Statements
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Example E.D.O. Mission Statements
Local and Regional
Alton DC: The mission of the Alton Development Corporation is to promote, encourage and enhance the
creation of jobs and expansion of the local tax base through projects which assist in the retention and
expansion of existing primary employers and which attract new primary employers and aid their
development and growth.
Argyle EDC: The mission of the Argyle Economic Development Corporation is to promote the recruitment
of new businesses, the retention and expansion of existing businesses, and to maximize the tax base of
Argyle while capitalizing upon our rural character and sense of community.
zle ED: The Azle Department of Economic Development works to influence business location decisions
by providing information and resources designed to assist in the analysis of establishing, expanding or
relocating a facility in Azle.
artonville CDC: The mission of the Bartonville Community Development Corporation is to retain and
attract businesses that meet the vision and standards desired by the Community.
ellville EDC: The Bellville Economic Development Corporation will strive to enhance Bellville’s economy
by expanding the tax base, promoting tourism and providing for a better quality of life for the citizens of
our community.
g Spring EDC: The mission of the Big Spring Economic Development Corporations is to assist, stimulate,
and enhance economic development in Big Spring, Texas, subject to applicable State and Federal laws
and the Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation. To utilize its Sales Tax Revenues to increase the job
opportunities available to the citizens of Big Spring by assisting the expansion of local businesses and
attracting new business activities to Big Spring.
orger EDC: Our mission is to be the economic growth engine for Borger, Texas. We will accomplish this
through the retention and expansion of local businesses, the recruitment of outside businesses, and
encouragement of community growth through tourism and cultural activities.
owie EDC: The Bowie Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) is a nonprofit organization whose
mission is to administer Bowie’s Type 4A economic development sales tax for the promotion and
development of new and expanded business enterprises that result in industrial and economic
development with an emphasis on job opportunities in the Bowie, Texas area.
Cedar Hill ED: The mission of the Economic Development Department is to retain and expand existing
business through a proactive retention and expansion program, attract desirable industry by fostering a
business friendly environment, and aggressively market Cedar Hill utilizing a multi-faceted approach.
elina EDC: The Celina EDC mission is to expand the local tax base, creating a diversified, vibrant and
sustainable economy enhancing the quality of life for residents and the business community.
lleyville ED: The Economic Development Department is charged with working with property owners
and developers to increase the office and retail sectors of the City. This involves seeking out unique and
interesting venues in which Colleyville residents can shop, dine and explore.
oppell ED: The mission of the Coppell Office of Economic Development is to provide a positive business
environment that will foster economic growth through the recruitment of new businesses and the
retention and expansion of existing businesses and to maximize the tax base of Coppell consistent with
the values of the community.
Example Economic Development Organization (EDO) Mission Statements
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Corinth ED: The mission of the City of Corinth’s Economic Development Corporation is to continually
expand our property and sales tax base, encourage the creation of jobs, promote tourism, improve the
quality of life, and facilitate a self-sustaining local economy for the City by attracting, assisting, and
retaining a diversified mix of businesses, public/private partnerships, and infrastructure improvements as
well as investing in our own community needs to foster growth and encourage tourism trade.
ecatur EDC: The mission of the Decatur EDC is to achieve sustained, balanced economic growth for the
City of Decatur as measured by improvements in primary employment and increased tax base, while
enhancing the quality of life and providing greater access to desirable goods and services.
uncanville CEDC: The mission of the Duncanville Community and Economic Development Corporation
is to serve as a catalyst for community development and economic opportunity that enhances the
competitiveness of Duncanville and increases property values, sales tax revenues, job opportunities and
quality of life.
erris EDC: The mission of the Ferris EDC is to promote economic development in the City of Ferris through
the attraction of new high wage business and industry and the retention of existing businesses and
industries. This will be accomplished by providing the resources that enable development and presenting
the City of Ferris as the preferred industrial, commercial, and residential choice.
Forney EDC: The FEDC promotes economic strength for the City of Forney by expanding and diversifying
the local tax base through business development, financial reinvestment and community partnerships.
ico EDC: The mission of the Hico Economic Development Corporation is to enrich the quality of life of
the citizens by promoting and enhancing the economic vitality of the community through promoting the
retention and expansion of existing business while also devoting an appropriate amount of resources
toward attracting new businesses.
ewett EDC: The mission of the Jewett Economic Development Corporation is to retain and attract
businesses that meet the vision and standards desired by the community while enhancing the quality of
life of all residents.
eller ED: The mission of the Keller Economic Development Department is to improve the quality of life
for residents and the business community of Keller through the recruitment and retention of targeted
businesses that will increase property value and sales tax within the City.
ilgore EDC: The mission of the Kilgore EDC is to enhance a business climate that is conducive to job
creation and retention improving the standard of living for Kilgore residents.
ancaster ED: The mission of the City of Lancaster’s Department of Economic Development is to create
favorable site-selection or expansion decisions for new and existing business and industry through
aggressive sales and marketing programs that are designed to create a growing tax base for the
community of Lancaster through new business development, existing business retention, and job creation
and by ensuring a financially sustainable city government and enhancing the overall quality of life for the
citizens of Lancaster.
avon EDC: The mission of the Lavon EDC is to strengthen and diversify the economic base of the City of
evelland EDC: The mission of the Levelland EDC is to strengthen Levelland's economy through creative
and cooperative economic development initiatives.
ttle Elm EDC: The mission of the Little Elm EDC is to advance economic development in Little Elm while
capitalizing on our lakeside character and sense of community.
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Lubbock EDA: The mission of the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance (LEDA) is to promote economic
growth by creating high-quality jobs, investing in new capital improvements and improving Lubbock’s
quality of life.
Kinney EDC: The mission of the McKinney EDC is to work to create an environment in which
community-oriented businesses can thrive.
dland EDC: The mission of the Midland EDC is to promote and advance opportunities that enhance
and diversify the strength and stability of the Midland economy.
ew York City ED: The mission of NYCEDC is to realize New York City as the global model for inclusive
innovation and economic growth, fueled by the diversity of its people and businesses, by strengthening
the City’s competitive position and facilitating investments that grow quality jobs and cultivate dynamic,
resilient, livable communities throughout the five boroughs.
villa ED: The mission of Ovilla ED is to create an environment that is diverse and strong by
demonstrating our commitment to business retention and expansion by initiating a proactive approach
towards business recruitment that meets or exceeds the expectations of our community.
ampa EDC: The mission of the Pampa EDC is to encourage and promote industries of the community by
directing attention to opportunities within the industrial, commercial, and agricultural sectors. We will
strive to assist with needed resources and financial incentives to interested firms and entrepreneurs in
startup, expansion or relocation to this area. The success of this mission will be demonstrated by sustained
stability and growth of economic activity in Pampa.
aradise EDC: The mission of the Paradise Economic Development Corporation is to foster economic
growth through attraction, retention and expansion of community-oriented businesses, while capitalizing
upon our rural character and sense of community.
ort Arthur EDC: The mission of the Port Arthur EDC is to implement a proactive, aggressive industrial
recruitment process focused upon specific industrial clusters that can achieve world-class competitive
stature in Port Arthur.
ichmond EDC: The mission of the Development Corporation of Richmond is to serve the community by
promoting private and public investments that will generate multiple public revenue streams to fund
quality of life enhancements and activities that preserve and capitalize on our heritage.
oyse City EDC: The mission of the Royse City EDC is to preserve our hometown atmosphere with a spirit
of cooperation between businesses, local government, schools, churches, and residents. To develop an
ideal mix of industry, business, cultural, educational, and recreational facilities to help support the
economic growth and development of the community.
Runaway Bay EDC: The mission of the Runaway Bay Economic Development Corporation is to retain and
attract businesses while capitalizing on our lakeside character and sense of community
anger EDC: To retain, strengthen and diversify our local economic while capitalizing on our location in
north central Texas.
eagoville EDC: Economic Development Corporation Mission Statement is to use funds derived from the
half-cent economic development sales tax to encourage new business and to promote growth and/or
retention of existing businesses, creating new employment opportunities in our city, increasing our tax
base and/or improving the quality of life.
Example Economic Development Organization (EDO) Mission Statements
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Sherman EDC: Grow and diversify the economy of Sherman and the surrounding area through the
addition of new jobs and investment of primary employers. Since 1996, Sherman Economic Development
Corporation (SEDCO) has focused on a mission and strategy to grow the primary employment sector
those companies with statewide, national and global markets. SEDCO is supported by a local 3/8 cent
sales tax. The funds provide the resources for SEDCO to market the community, provide cash incentives
for new investments and jobs and develop business park sites for industry. SEDCO Board of Directors and
Sherman City Council annually adopt a new Plan of Work for SEDCO to guide the development, re-
development and community enhancement in Sherman and the surrounding area.
outhlake ED: The mission of the Southlake Department of Economic Development is to help create a
diversified, vibrant and sustainable economy through attraction and support of businesses meeting the
vision and standards desired by City leaders.
omball EDC: To promote economic growth in the City of Tomball through the attraction of new business
and industry and the retention of existing businesses by providing the resources that enable development
and advance the general well-being of the community.
yler EDC: The Tyler Economic Development Council (TEDC) was formed in 1989 to diversify the economic
base of Tyler / Smith County and to create new job opportunities.
hite Settlement EDC: The Economic Development Corporation exists to enhance community
development within the City. This includes encouraging people and businesses to relocate to White
illis EDC: The mission of the Willis Economic Development Corporation is to empower the local Willis
economy, through the expansion and retention of the business community, with infrastructure assistance,
and to promote business opportunities in the market area that enhances the quality of life.
s Point EDC: The mission of the Wills Point Economic Development Corporation is to promote and
enhance economic opportunities through the attraction of new ventures. The Corporation will assist Wills
Point in attracting new ventures by helping to provide an economic environment that is business friendly
and conducive to productivity and prosperity to include the utilization of the airport as an economic asset
essential to the acquisition of business within both the industrial park and airport grounds. In addition,
the EDC fosters an economic development environment through promotion, cooperation and
communication between the public and private sector, enabling an increased standard of living for our
residents and enrich their quality of life.
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Regional EDO Mission Statements
Central East Texas Alliance: The mission of the Central East Texas Alliance is to promote the Central East
Texas region as a prime location to live, work, and play and to support the community and economic
development efforts of the cities, towns, EDC’s, and other economic development entities in the region.
orpus Christi Regional EDC: The mission of the CCREDC is to expand and enhance the region's economic
base by developing and / or supporting projects that create primary jobs.
allas Regional Chamber: Together, we will lead the Dallas region to become the most economically
prosperous region and the most desirable place to live and work in the United States.
reater Houston Partnership: The Partnership is a place for community-minded business leaders who
want to be involved in Houston's positive growth and influence the direction in which Houston is going.
Through the dedicated efforts of our members, the Partnership addresses Houston's unique challenges,
and champions the growth and success of our region.
Metroport Chamber of Commerce: The mission of the Metroport Chamber of Commerce Economic
Development Committee (EDC) is to expand and strengthen the region’s economic base through
collaborative efforts.
eam Texas: Our mission is to create opportunities for job creation, increased investment, and economic
diversification as a team of future-focused and collaborative Texas communities and partners.
exas Forest Country Partnership: The Texas Forest Country Partnership strives to enrich the economic
and well-being of our region through marketing, business development, and advocacy.
exas Midwest Community Network: The mission of Texas Midwest Community Network (TMCN) is to
promote a regional approach to provide the resources and awareness for its members to achieve
economic and community growth.