Department of Pathology - Microbiology
Index No: QF/ND/MB/HB.032 Page 1 of 1 Version no: 1
Author: Sharon Campbell Date of Issue: April 2017
Related investigations: Helicobacter pylori Culture
Specimen type
Sterile, CE marked, leak-proof universal container, preferably with
an integral spoon or scoop
Volume / quantity
A minimum of 2 mL is required.
Ensure that containers are not filled to their maximum
volume to allow for gaseous expansion during transit.
Optimal time and
method of collection
Samples may be taken from symptomatic patients.
Samples taken to check for eradication of organism should be taken >4 weeks
after completion of therapy.
Specimens may be passed into a clean, dry, disposable bed pan*, or similar, then
transferred to a suitable container (see above)
* Any residual soap, disinfectant or detergent may invalidate results.
Place the labelled specimen inside a sealed plastic bag attached to a correctly
filled in microbiology request form.
Transport the specimen to the Microbiology Department at UHND as soon as
For general transportation information refer to the transport page.
Specimens that cannot be transported or processed immediately should be refrigerated
(2-8°C) up to 24 hours
Special considerations
and limitations
Antimicrobials, protein pump inhibitors and bismuth preparations are known to suppress H
pylori, and ingestion of these within 2 weeks of H pylori testing may lead to false negative
Relevant clinical
State the symptoms and date of onset
Please include details of recent, current or proposed antibiotic therapy
Consent information
Healthcare professionals: follow local procedures for obtaining consent from patients.
Biological reference
intervals and clinical
decision values
The test will be reported as ‘H. pylori antigen detected’ or ‘H. pylori antigen not
detected’, with any appropriate comments.
Availability of testing
Batches of Helicobacter pylori faecal antigen are run once or twice per week depending on
the numbers of specimens received in the laboratory.
Urgent requests are not applicable for this investigation.
Measured turnaround
Refer to the Microbiology Turnaround Times page for current information.
Information for
Information on this page is intended for clinical staff. Please refer to your healthcare
professional if you have any queries regarding your test or visit the NHS Choices website